Mrs. Graves' art classes, 10/25-10/29

Pottery I - Some of you are getting very far behind, your absences or late arrivals are really hurting you. Remember, if you miss a class, that time is supposed to be made up before or after school or during a learning lab time. If you come in late you are missing important instruction.

This week: All 3 groups are taking the MID-TERM TEST on Thursday!! Study your terminology folder notes.
Group A: You are working on your slab containers, the sides should be leather hard and you should attach them the first part of the week. Make sure you seal the inside corners with a coil and seal the outside seam by smoothing the clay. After the sides are together roll another slab for the base; cut and attach by scoring and slipping. After everything is attached you need to BURNISH, use the back of a spoon to compress the leather hard clay to a smooth, shiny surface. Make sure the corners are sharp and straight. Pay close attention to the lip, smooth and shape as you burnish.
Group B: You are on the wheel through Wednesday. We review trimming on Monday, remember you have to choose your best cylinder and bowl, fill out a self-assessment and place them on top of the self-assessment and put on the green-ware cart for me to grade. Thursday you are taking the mid-term and Friday you are going back to finish your slab container.
Group C: You are continuing to Coil through Thursday. You will watch the wheel throwing demo on Friday and throw on Monday, Nov. 1st.

Foundations of Design
This week you are finishing your Op-Art project, make sure you are adding color that is high contrast. On Wednesday we are beginning a new project about abstraction. We will learn the 3 styles of art and learn why talented artists would choose to create artwork that is abstract.

Visual Arts
We are working on self-portraits. Monday we continued drawing correct self-portrait proportions in our sketchbook. We are drawing from mirror's. We also reviewed Visual measuring as a tool to make sure you have accurate proportions in your drawing. Picture day is Monday and Tuesday, I took high contrast photos of you to use in your final large self portrait. After you draw a portrait rough draft on Wed and Thursday you will begin your final drawing on Friday.

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