Paper Baskets, Stencils, and Modern Masterpieces!

Before we review last week's work, I'd like to give a hearty thank you to the students who participated in our first web challenge of this semester! They correctly identified 
Pablo Picasso's The Actor 
as the work of art that was recently damaged while on exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Great Work,
Roman, Diego, Morgan, John-Luc, Hunter, and Parker!
In Fiber Arts class this past week, we wove beautiful paper (compliments of Miss Elona! Thanks, Miss Elona!)
into heart-shaped baskets. This particular project was really quite tricky, but each student eventually mastered the technique and walked out of class with a gorgeous work of art!
In Drawing and Printmaking class, 
we used stencils to create cards and prints, 
and had a whole bunch of fun in the process! 
We also 
used decorative-edged scissors to play with 
and got some interesting results!

Students had so much fun, in fact, that we decided (in an overwhelming vote of majority--democracy is such a good thing!) that we'd continue our work with stencils for a while.
In Explorations in Art
we discussed the element of shape, and how 
various artists might use shape for both design, 
and to create a mood. We also discovered 
ways that shape, combined with color, 
can enhance that mood. 
The works that we used for comparison were 
and Grant Wood's Stone City, Iowa:
One student, Kaylyn, used what she's learned, so far, about color, shape, and the direction of line to create a very calm scene that soothes the senses. 
Great work, Kaylyn!

The past couple of weeks, students in 
Drawing and Painting 
class have been working on their own versions of some very famous paintings! While there are still many "masterpieces" to be completed, I just couldn't wait to share with you the ones that are finished. They're truly spectacular!
(Above left) Tavia, Horizontal Tree, by Piet Mondrian
(Above right) Parker, Two Peaches on a Branch, after Ko Chung-bsuan
(Below top) Kevin, Count Tommaso Inghirami, by Raphael
(Below middle) Eddie, detail from Sugar Cane, by Diego Rivera
(Below bottom) Josh, detail from George Moore, by Edouard Manet
(Below left, middle and right) Derik, Jacob, and Stefan
Still Life: Apples, Pear, and White Mug, by Jean-Baptiste-Simeon Chardin
These are a small sampling of masterpieces from this class, so be sure to check back next week for more!
And now for the coming week's 
web challenge!
In honor of the Vancouver Olympics, and our wonderful neighbors to the north, our challenge for the week of 
February 16th through 18th is as follows:
Do a search* of Canadian artists, and print out a copy of a painting, or other work of art (or architecture!) that you find especially appealing. It MUST be by a Canadian citizen (born or raised in Canada). If you have problems with printing, you may write down the name of the artist and painting, and also the URL where you found it (URLs usually begin with http://). Be prepared to tell me why you like this particular work! 
I value your opinions!
When I receive your completed challenge**, 
you'll receive your ATC!
*Remember: Anytime you're doing an online search, your parent or other responsible adult must be present. No exceptions!
**Because this is a WEEKLY (and completely optional!) assignment, the information must be presented to me 

the week it is due. This keeps things fair for those who 
work hard to find the answers and turn them in on time. Whoever has the most assignment-related ATCs 
by the end of the semester will win a 
A 2nd place prize will also be awarded. 
There will be a first and second prize for each school day, 
so get busy!  

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