Open House & Art Show, Part I: Tuesday

Can you believe that this week marks 
the end of the first semester
It sure went by quickly! Because of the amount of work generated this semester, and because each day has their own open house and art show, I thought it appropriate to give each day their own posting here. This is just a small sampling of the work done in class. Remember that most of it has been taken home over that past several weeks :)

Students have been working hard all semester, creating beautiful and unique works of art
Today I asked each young artist to pick a good spot in the classroom to display their art. Each work was appropriately labeled with the artist's name, title, and medium.

While 2-dimensional works covered most of one wall, 
the 3-D works were displayed in the center of the room. 
The artwork represented in today's posting comes from a variety of classes: 
Explorations in Art (I and II), 
Art from Paper

. . . And Ceramics I and II.

Our Open House began with musical performances by Mr. Callahan's classes, and were followed by followed by dramatic and creative movement performances from Mr. Hugo's classes. 

Afterward, parents & students (and teachers!) enjoyed delicious, freshly made goodies, compliments of Miss Stacy's cooking classes, while perusing some amazing science and lego projects created in Miss Becky's classroom . . .

. . . And let us not forget the creative writing projects from Miss Nancy's class. Another special treat was the latest edition of the HSC Newspaper! Inside is a very nice article about Miss Shannon, who recently delivered a beautiful baby girl (Grace Lee), along with another article to mentioned tomorrow :)

So, clearly, the creative talent at HSC doesn't end in the Art Room! It was such a fun day--so many interesting things to see, beautiful music, yummy baked goods, and side-splitting performances :)

Be sure to come back tomorrow for photos of the Wednesday Art Show!

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