Mrs. Graves' art classes, Nov 8-12

Pottery I - Group A & B, you are working on your coil container and/or glazing your relief tile and thrown work.
Group C, this is your last week on the pottery wheel. You will watch a trimming demo on Tuesday. Make sure you fill oust a self-assessment on all finished work and place your bowl and cylinder on the green-ware cart.

Drawing I - We are still in the hall working on the perspective drawings. You should have all the structural lines drawn and be adding details the first of the week and be shading by Thursday.

Foundations of Design - Your abstraction project is due in class on Tuesday, the grace period due date is Tuesday, Nov. 16. We will begin a unit on Color on Wednesday. We will learn to mix colors and paint a color wheel on Thursday and Friday.

Visual Arts - We are continuing self-portraits. Your portrait should be drawn by Tuesday, 11/9. Once the drawing is complete pick up a shading packet to practice hard and soft edges with value. Have the packet approved then begin shading your self-portrait. Tentative due date: Wednesday, Nov.17.