Memory Wire Glass Bead Bracelets (and More!)
What another fun week! In ATC class, we talked about how, often, organized trades revolve around a particular theme. Students brainstormed to come up with a variety of themes that we could use as inspiration for our little works of art. Following this session, the artists worked hard to create ATCs for the themed trade at the end of class. Students may remember some of my own ATCs that I shared with the class on the first day and, in particular, some really cool cards that I received recently in the mail. WELL, those cards are the inspiration for a near future project! As soon as I get the "project samples" done up, the secret will be revealed! In Jewelry Making, we experimented with "memory wire" to create some very beautiful glass bead memory wire bracelets! Wednesday students got a real treat because we started the class with a "show and tell" session led by Miss Rebecca, a very experienced jewelry maker! Needless to say, we were all very impressed. She...