
Showing posts from September, 2010

Mrs. Graves' classes - 9/27-10/1

Pottery I- Group A is continuing the work on the wheel, you should be working on making a bowl and we will have a demo on trimming the foot of your work on Thursday and Friday, your last day on the wheel is Tuesday (10-5). Groups B & C are putting together their slab container and beging the process of burnishing when the work is leather hard. Drawing I - We are still in our still life unit, finishing up working in our sketchbook on individual objects, trasparent, reflective and textured. Thursday and Friday we are drawing rough drafts in the sketchbook of the final still life, 2 views. Geometric form composition is due on Wednesday. Visual Arts - We are continuing our shoes and legs project. The goal: creating the illusion of depth.

The Shape of Art

We had a lot of fun in our ATC class this past week. Following are some fine examples of miniature, tradable art . . . Morgan and Anais collaborated to create the ATCs featured above. Pretty clever, huh? Valencia made this beautifully detailed ATC featuring a woman in a long dress. It reminds me of a sari.  And the trading card below was made by Cameron. He put lots of detail into his card, which was the main assignment! In Explorations in Art, we continued building on our knowledge of the principles and elements of art. This past week we discussed shape. Students took a tour through Miss Robin's Art Gallery to view and discuss a number of famous works. We identified the prominent shapes in each work. For instance, we noted that Grant Wood's Stone City, Iowa  (above) is mostly made up of circles and ovals! Several students also pointed out Wood's use of organic shapes. Paul Gauguin's The Vision After the Sermon was also found to be composed of many organic shapes, whic...

Still Life Objects

These are my still life objects. I can't wait to see what we do with them.The cylinder is a pringles can, the cube is a half & half container, the rectangular box is a tissue box, the cone I made out of a plastic soda bottle, and the sphere is a Christmas tree ball.


Illusionistic Space This street art is cleary three dimensional making it illusionistic. I choose this drawning for illusionistic becasue it has a great feeling on depth, as if you are about to wake down this hall way. This art work is illusionistic in that it has depth giving the impression of three dimensional. The lower left looks like a piece of wood then to the right the wood changes to different material and become shiny, like and apple. It makes me wonder what the artist is trying to get across in this piece of work. The art work has a three dimensional feel to it. The stack of monster in the forground, man walking away twards the city in the distant background. Flat Space This art work flat space showing two dimension work. I look at this art work and see flat using sybolic space. The horse and the cow in the back ground are larger than the forground making them symbolic. This art piece is flat showing only two dimensions. The piece of art is flat. There is nothing in the p...

Gestural Line Drawing

I had great fun with these gestural drawings. I had to work very fast because the subject is my three year old daughter. I was very happy with using vine charcoal for this project. The charcoals have more of a free feeling for me. When drawing with charcoal even your oops tend to look just fine. In this drawing the subject was climbing up onto a bed. Here the subject it sitting with her feet under her and she is rubbing her leg. In this drawing the subject is rubbing chap stick all over her face. In this drawing the subject is rubbing chap stick on her face while trying to get her hair out of the way. In this drawing the subject is rubbing chap stick all over her face and switched the chap stick from one hand to the other. You have to get both side you know. The thing we mom's alowe to happen just to get our homework done.

Contour-Line Drawing

The contour drawing was very difficult for me. I found myself skipping my eyes ahead and moving faster than I was drawing and not paying clear attention to the subject. It was also hard to keep my eye on the subject and not the paper. This is something that I will need to practice a great deal more. I lack the discipline needed for this project. I did practice on many different objects and settings. This drawing is of some of the objects that are on my desk. As you can see I lost concentration in a few spots. This drawing was a little more fun for me to do.

Drawing Media Experiments

This experiment was very interesting and made me understand a little better about how these tools work. Starting left to right: The first vertical row was drawn with willow charcoal, second row compressed charcoal, third row conte crayon, fourth row 6B graphite, fifth row sharpie, sixth row 2H graphite. I found through the exercise that I really enjoy working with the willow charcoal the most. I seem to feel a bit more freedom with it and not so uptight with my strokes. From left to right: first row sharpie, second row compressed charcoal, third row conte crayon, fourth row HB graphite, fifth row 2B graphite, sixth row 6B graphite, seventh row 3/8" flat brush with india ink, eight row #4 round brush with india ink.  With this drawing I learned that I feel a bit unsure when working with the 3/8" flat brush itself. The bristles are much longer than I am use to and I am not sure if I am using it properly. From left to right: first row compressed charcoal, second row willow charc...

ATCs, Color, and Pinch Pots

In ATC class, students used the full class period to create one-of-a-kind Artist Trading Cards. At the end of class, the tiny masterpieces were traded with fellow artists.  Color was the lesson of the day in Explorations in Art ! We discussed Primary colors, Secondary colors, and Tertiary colors. We talked about the qualities of Warm colors vs. Cool colors , and the meanings of Tone and Shade . Pinata by Diego Rivera And because this class is all about Exploration, we explored some very famous paintings, three of which are featured here. Our journey around the "gallery" was full of discussion about the palette of the painting, its title, and observations about the colors used by the artist. We spent some time exercising the  3 Cs of Art Class : Compare (how are they alike?) Contrast (how are they different?) Critique (what do we like/dislike about the work?) Arrangement in Black and Gray by James McNeill Whistler (This is commonly called Whistler's Mother ) We ta...

Self Portrait Assignment

This project was hard for me. I decided to try drawing what I saw in the mirror. This project could be done and interoperated in many different ways. I started out with pencil and switched to pen. I am a little frustrated because I use to be able to draw without thinking much. Now I am drawing and trying to remember how to shade things to get the right effect.

Winter's Day

by Larry Howard in watercolor I enjoy classic art of live models. The art work could be done with any type of medium and the model could be a rural setting, wild life, flowers, or a portrait. A painting or sketch of something we see every day can open your eyes to see the beauty you maybe over looking. We tend to take for granted what is right in front of us. Howard’s painting portrays rural New England well. The stone foundation under the barn gives you an idea of when it was built and the work that was put into it. The boards leaning on the side of the shed indicates work to be done. The browned mountains in the background and the grey trees give way to a long cool winter. The cold snow blanketing the landscapes with the sun’s shadows and sparkling light bring a smile to your face and warmth to you soul. Painting with watercolors is something that I would love to master. Watercolors tend to be very difficult for me to control.

First Week of School

We had a very successful first week of school. It was nice to see so many familiar faces from last year, and meet quite a few new ones! This week, in recap: ATCs, ACEOs, and Art in Miniature Students made mini-portfolios to store this semester's artwork. Afterward, we had time to make a few ATCs and then trade them at the end of class. Remember: ATCs & ACEOs are ALWAYS 2-1/2" x 3-1/2". It's the law : )  Explorations in Art (6-9 and 9+) Our first project this week was creating portfolios (medium size!) to store the semester's artwork. Once this was done, each student completed a Color Wheel by filling in the Primary Colors , Secondary Colors , and Teritary Colors . Afterward, students used color paddles to experiment with some good old fashioned Color Theory ! This was all in preparation for next week's lesson on COLOR. We'll be discussing (critiquing, comparing, contrasting) several famous works of art, with the focus being on color. Ceramics I In t...