Farewell, Earth Day, Special Visitors, and the Art of Donna Sakamoto Crispin
The past week was significant for a number of reasons. First, we said farewell to a couple of great kids, and fantastic artists: Avalon and River . They're moving to North Carolina, and we will miss them dearly. They've promised to stay in touch, though, so hopefully I'll be able to update their travels and adventures in the future. We all celebrated Earth Day this past week, which fell on a Thursday. Hence, all of the photos from this post are "Thursday" photos, which I took in Evergreen. To honor our beautiful planet, students created Earth Day posters . . . Each young artist worked very hard to depict a scene that depicted the significance of this 40th annual celebration . . . . . . students also made ATCs to share . . . . . . and bookmarks, too! What made this day even more special is that Thursday also happened to be Take Your Child to Work Day! so we got a chance to meet (and make art with!) Talia and Jake ! Jake came to HSC with his mom, Miss Jen, a...