
Showing posts from April, 2010

Farewell, Earth Day, Special Visitors, and the Art of Donna Sakamoto Crispin

The past week was significant for a number of reasons. First, we said farewell to a couple of great kids, and fantastic artists: Avalon and River .  They're moving to North Carolina, and we will miss them dearly. They've promised to stay in touch, though, so hopefully I'll be able to update their travels and adventures in the future. We all celebrated Earth Day this past week, which fell on a Thursday. Hence, all of the photos from this post are "Thursday" photos, which I took in Evergreen. To honor our beautiful planet, students created Earth Day posters . . . Each young artist worked very hard to depict a scene that depicted the significance of this 40th annual celebration . . . . . . students also made ATCs to share . . .  . . . and bookmarks, too! What made this day even more special is that Thursday also happened to be  Take Your Child to Work Day! so we got a chance to meet (and make art with!)  Talia and Jake ! Jake came to HSC with his mom, Miss Jen, a...

Art, Lookout Mountain, and the Work of Erica Smith

Before we look at photos from last week’s classes, I’d like to take moment to remind students of a few things. First, there are only 6 more weeks of school, which means that any “works-in-progress” will need to be completed before we break for summer. Second, we will have only 2 more “wet clay” classes in ceramics. The reason for this is that our works will need time to become “bone dry” before they are bisque fired. After the initial firing, some wares will need to be glazed and returned to Woodrow for an additional firing. Also, a number of works will be painted (with acrylics) during class once we run out of “wet clay” time. Finally, because our last official day of class is also the last day of the semester, students in each class will be assisting with the Art Show setup! This means that there are really only 5 weeks of actual art making!   Students in Fiber Arts have been working on a variety of projects. Tuesday students have been working on a “student choice” project. Some...

Winding Down, and the Work of Roxanne Swentzell

Welcome back from spring break everyone! There are only 7 more weeks left in this semester, and so we'll spend the remainder of our class days finishing works in progress, and creating projects that can be started and finished in a relatively short span of time.  This past week, River (Evergreen) finished a piece that he's been working on for the past several weeks (above). The artwork is a mixed media piece, watercolor and marker on watercolor paper, and is titled Graffiti . River created the "graffiti" image from the letters in his name. If you look closely, you'll find them.  Great work, River! Ceramics I student works were recently glaze fired, and were returned this past week. These are just a few photos of the works that were returned to our class following the firing. There is, clearly, some very nice sgraffito work here! What amazing artists! Thanks to all the students who chose to do the spring break web challenges! The following artists did ALL THREE ch...