Art From Scratch and More Portrait Work

Last week I asked students to find their favorite Native American artist, and four students really came through! ATCs were given to John-Luc , Tavia , Hunter , and Morgan , four young artists who are well on their way to winning some very cool art prizes at the end of the semester! If there was a special prize for best drawing of a kachina , it would definitely go to Morgan! She did the most amazing drawing of a kachina that I've ever seen! Great work! Students in our Drawing and Painting and Drawing and Printmaking classes all had fun with scratch art this past week! Just like magic, they put their wooden stylus' to the scratch art paper, and revealed wonderful artwork through the process of "taking away." There were many more works than you see here, but (sadly) my camera shots were mostly a little blurry. This gives you a really good idea, though, of the talented artists who attend HSC! Explorations in Art (I and II) stude...