
Showing posts from October, 2009

Mr. Briscoe - 10/26-10/30

Foundations of Drawing Monday - Was the last work day on our Circles and Ellipses Project. The final due date is Monday the 2nd. Tuesday we introduced a new concept this week - one point perspective. One point perspective is a perspective in which all parallel lines converge at wo points on the horizon. We discussed this in class and did a worksheet to practice. This worksheet is worth 10 pts. Wednesday the class continued discussing one point perspective and its roll in architecture. We took several images and traced how lines in architecture meet at one single point of convergence called the vanishing point. This worksheet was worth 10 pts. Thursday and Friday we started a new project called Explosive Shapes. Students used their new knowledge of One Point Perspective to do a drawing of 30 shapes exploding from one vanishing point. PROJECT GUIDELINES: 1) 30 shapes in one point perspective (15 squares/rectangles, 15 shapes of your choice). 2) MUST HAVE: vanishing point an...

Butterflies and Snow!

What a short week this was! Sadly, there's not much to report, though I do have some beautiful butterfly images to share! Kids in Explorations in Art (1st -  3rd) created butterflies to donate to The Butterfly Project , an exhibit that will take place in the Spring of 2012 at Houston's Holocaust Museum . We'll continue to work on butterflies throughout the entire school year, in both locations, so rest assured that you'll see many more of these beautiful creations in the future! Well, it finally happened: The Big Snow! Jeffco announced early this morning that all schools would be closed. Hopefully, you're finding some time to go out and frolic, and perhaps build a snowman , snow woman, or an entire snow family! There's certainly enough of that fluffy white stuff out there to accommodate quite a crowd of snow creatures! I found the image below, online , and it really inspired me! Maybe it will inspire you, too! In lieu of this very short week, and the absence ...

O'Keeffe, Value, ATCs, Self-Portraits, and Masks!

We packed a lot of art into the past week's classes! So much so that I've had to create "mosaics" from the photos I took. Before we get to those, though, let's look at the beautiful, Southwest inspired watercolor by Celeste , done in Explorations in Art (4th-6th). Celeste has been studying the work of Georgia O'Keeffe , and we can definitely see the O'Keeffe influence here! Watercolor No. 1 , by Celeste Other 4th - 6th Explorations students finished work on their Book of Kells drawings, and some began work on a new piece, The Logo Project , where they'll discover and hone their graphic design skills. Photos later! The younger, 1st - 3rd Explorations in Art students completed work on their value drawings. First,the young artists learned what one of the elements of art --  value  --means, then they created a drawing with pencil and colored it in using various values of a color. Following is a beautiful VA LUE  QU ILT of their work: Art from Paper stu...
Mr. Klausing's Art Classes- Oct. 19-22 In Drawing I, students continued to work on their house drawings using 1 or 2-point perspective. These drawings are due on Wednesday, Oct. 28th. If you have been absent for more than two days, be sure to talk to Mr. Klausing about arranging an extended due date. There was no required sketch for the week of 10/19-10/22. The next sketch that is due is a still-life of at least 3 fruits or vegetables and it is due on Friday, October 30th. Students who have not turned in their sketchbooks to have the in-class sketchbook activities for the first 7 weeks of school accounted for need to do that as soon as possible as those points are now recorded in Powergrade. Students in Drawing I will begin working with drawing portraits and figure drawings next week. In Drawing II, students completed work on their close-up pastel drawings and turned those in on Oct. 22nd. During classtime, students worked on some still-life drawings of bones using pen and i...

Mrs. Graves' Visual Arts, 10/19-10/22

This week we finished the clay coil contour line sculpture. The last day to work in class was Tuesday, everyone turned theirs in, the grace period does not apply to this project due to the fragile nature of the clay coils. Tuesday was the last day of the self-portrait grace period, all portraits should now be turned in. On Tuesday we began investigating careers in art. We used the "Careers in Art" textbook to find information about careers that use some type of art. You wrote the information in your sketchbook and it will be graded as part of your 12 week sketchbook grade. We continued this during the shortened classes on Wednesday and Thursday.

Mr. Briscoe - 10/19-10/22

Foundations of Drawing This was a short week due to Parent Teacher Conferences. Monday through Thursday we continued working on our Circles and Ellipses (Value) Project. I've reposted the directions and rubric for the project. As usual, if you have any questions please give me an e-mail: Here is the outline for the project: Draw a value scale and number each box 1-8. (example of 10 grade value scale above) - It must be 1"x8" - It must be .5" from the bottom ride corner (the right side and the bottom). - It must be numbered one through eight - Each number must represent a different tone on the value scale, starting with white (#1) and ending with black (#8). The second part of the project requires you to draw 15-20 circles and ellipses. Each shape should overlap at leas two other shapes. Each shape should be shaded to represent one of the value scale swatches at the bottom of your page. Look back and forth to make sure they match on...

The Evergreen Three

In Art History we often read about groups of artists who, through their collective work or ideals, gained great recognition. There were the Impressionists who first exhibited in the Salon de Refuses ; The Fauves ; the artists and photographers of 291 Gallery ; the Hudson River School ; the list goes on and on. Perhaps one day the work of "The Evergreen Three" will be added to this list.  For the past several weeks, three students in Evergreen ( Mason , River , and Morgan ) have been working tirelessly on The Book of Kells Project . The assignment was to use the ancient illuminated manuscript as inspiration for a work of art, and to place their first, last, or first and last initials into the work. Because they took so much time, and put so much effort into this FIRST assignment (they've certainly raised the bar for themselves!), I'm giving them their own exhibit space this week.  Drum roll, please!  Ladies and Gentlemen, in no particular order,  The Evergreen Thre...

Third Friday Openings

This weekends art openings look like they should be good ones. "Jennifer Boe, "Rib Roast $7.99Lb.," Xerox and embroidery floss on cotton, 32" x 32", is part of a new solo exhibition opening October 16 at the Greenlease Gallery at Rockhurst University, with a reception from 7 to 9 p.m. and artist's remarks at 6:30. The exhibition, "How to Cook a Wolf," is "categorized as allegorical" and "examines food in a cultural, political and economic context. Boe holds a bachelor of arts degree from the Kansas City Art Institute, with an emphasis in painting and creative writing. Image and quoted text: courtesy of the artist and gallery, respectively"

Foundations Drawing - Mr. Briscoe 10/12-10/16

Monday we took some time to review for the test. We spent the first fifteen minutes discussing what to expect and did a brief recap of the definitions. We did a short in class project where we drew definitions from a hat. We demonstrated each concept by drawing it. For instance, if you drew the word "value" from the hat, you would have to draw the word value and demonstrate how light effects the relative lightness and darkness of an area. This was worth 10 daily work points. Tuesday we took the Midterm. Wednesday we started a new project focusing on craftsmanship and value. On a large sheet of paper student drew a value scale. The value scale is intended to guide the rest of the project and needed to be drawn with great accuracy. Here is the outline for the project: Draw a value scale numbered 1-8. - It must be 1"x8" - It must be .5" from the bottom ride corner (the right side and the bottom). - It must be numbered one through - Each number must represent a ...

Mrs. Graves' Pottery I, 10/12-10/16

In Pottery this week: Group A finished rolling slabs for their asymmetrical slab container. While they are drying to leather hard you should glaze your Ocarina, don't forget your glaze plan. After your Ocarina is glazed you will connect your slabs then begin burnishing. Group B is still on the wheel, I demonstrated how to trim the thrown pottery, this is the last step! Once you have a cylinder and a bowl thrown you can trim them when they are leather hard then complete a self-assessment form and you are done! Group C&D are working on your coil pot. Remember this is a theme pot and you should have coils rolled and arranged to look like subjects from your theme. These are part of the structure of your pot so they are built into the coils not just placed on top of the coils. On Friday we are having a glaze "show and tell" if your ocarina is out of the kiln you will show the class how it turned out and tell the class what glazes you used, any special application tec...

Mrs. Graves' Visual Arts, 10/12-10/16

This week we finished up the self-portraits. On Monday we helped each other out by doing a written critique, this counts as a sketchbook entry and will be graded at 12 weeks. Self-portraits were due on Tuesday, the grace period due date is Tuesday, 10/20. Our new project will combine contour line drawings and clay coils to create a contour line sculpture. You should draw 4 rough drafts of a creative subject and then creatively add a bunch of inside details that will help all the coils stay together. See Mrs. Graves for project examples. This will be due on Monday.

Foundations Drawing - Mr. Briscoe 10/5-10/9

Monday and Tuesday of this week we continued the Value Drawings of the sculptures that we built in our group (see last weeks post). These drawings focused on quick drawings with detailed shading. Spot lights were used to accentuate the shadows cast by the shapes. These drawings were due at the end of class on Tuesday. The Rubric is as follows: 1. Student used basic knowledge of line, overlapping, background, foreground and value. - 15 pts . 2. Student used high degree of detail. - 15 pts . 3. Effort - Student took time to develop idea and complete the project. - 20 pts . 4. Craftsmanship - Neat, clean and complete. - 20 pts . Wednesday we busted out the charcoal and man it was messy. We continued drawing under the spotlight but this time we drew large pieces of oddly shaped styrofoam . These were a big departure from the detailed paper sculptures. It allowed us to focus more closely on the value itself an important part of the drawing. These drawings were due at the end of class. 10...

Rock (Clay!), Paper, Scissors . . . And the VALUE of WEDGING

This week's images come from the Art from Paper and Mixed Media classes . . . Students in Art from Paper (Tuesday) created the wonderful cutout works you see here. First they drew images on a piece of paper, making sure that each element of the work was somehow connected to the outer "frame" of paper. Then they cut out the negative space to reveal the image. Once this was done, the image was attached to another piece of paper to help reveal the image! The Wednesday class began work on Self-Portraits , created entirely from paper. As soon as they're finished, they'll be revealed here, so be sure to check back! Explorations in Art (1st -3rd) students learned about the term, Value  (one of the Elements of Art), and began work on Value drawings! More on this V AL UAB LE   lesson later, when the works are finished, and photos are ready for posting! The 4th through 6th grade Explorations in Art students continue their work on the Book of Kells. I've been promisi...

First Fridays

Looking for something to do this weekend? Every first Friday of the month local Kansas City galleries open their doors to display newly curated shows. Here is Review Magazines preview of this coming First Friday .

Farewell Good Friends, We'll Miss You!

This past week we said goodbye to Bodee , Bryce , and Brock , who will soon start a new life in Florida. While I never had the opportunity to work with Brock, I'm certain that he shares the talent of his two older brothers, Bryce and Bodee. We'll miss you guys! Bodee and  Bryce, keep up with your artwork. You're both very talented artists! In Mixed Media class this past week, we worked on woven paintings. Below is a fine example, created by Nathan . Good work, Nathan! Your grids within the grids are particularly impressive! In Art From Paper class we created, well, art from paper! Cynthia made this very whimsical Lady Bug artwork from two different colored papers. She pointed out that, from this view (below) it looks like a bug soaking up the Sunshine. Turn it completely around, though, and it's doing a nose dive into grass! Now THAT'S thinking outside the box! Students who take Explorations in Art (1st through 3rd) returned to the color wheel this past week and...